The Reborn Mahjong Artisan – Disappearing Old Hong Kong Story 專訪前香港麻雀廠第二代傳人 (Eng & Chi Version)


想知道張師傅如何從一個「廠佬」搖身一變成為手雕麻雀工匠,與囡囡 Karen 一起齊心推動香港文化工藝,請細心閱讀以下訪問,與大家照顧這幾年努力的成果。

The Mahjong Family Makers – Disappearing Old Hong Kong Story 3周年呈獻 – 專訪前香港麻雀廠始創人

十月份正值「麻雀獻藝」工作室 (Karen Aruba Studio) 三週年紀念的日子,我們將有一連串的慶祝活動和分享!其中一項特別內容是邀請到前「復興隆麻雀廠」創辦人張富華先生的太太,年屆九十歲高齡、鮮有接受訪問的梁玉卿女士進行訪談。儘管梁女士已達鮐背之年,但她的頭腦依然敏捷 ,對答非常流暢!

我們相信她訪談中提及的香港麻雀製造業的歷史,是極其珍貴。梁女士生動地分享了她與丈夫相知相遇以及「復興隆麻雀廠」初創時期的故事,以及後來兩位兒子張誠忠先生(現為手雕麻雀工匠)及張振忠先生(當年主管磨麻雀生產部) 接手管理廠房的回憶。這次訪問令我們更深入了解了六十至八十年代香港曾興盛一時的手雕麻雀廠及香港麻雀製造業前期的經營情況。

Christmas 2021: HK’s Best Brands for Mindful Gifting (by live magazine) & workshop

Looking for a beautiful and unique Christmas gift, you can also choose two other creative designs 1) Merry Christmas + Cheers patterns or 2) A Joyful Xmass + Special Thanks patterns. The beautiful gift box has also preserved the valuable Mahjong Craftsmanship story in Hong Kong. Visit our online stores (international order) or […]

Wanderlust in Mahjong Craftsmanship Exhibition

We are happy to decide that our ‘Wanderlust in Mahjong Craftsmanship’ exhibition will be extended until end of February in ‘The Art of Mahjong Craft’ themed studio! We will continue to bring our travellers through an immersive journey of revival for Hong Kong Mahjong craftsmanship in every Saturday afternoon until 27 February 2021 throughout the upcoming Chinese New Year […]

Creative Mahjong Tiles Colouring Workshop 時尚麻雀上色工作坊

【Creative Mahjong Tiles Colouring Workshop】 This newly designed mahjong coloring workshop is an art journey to learn Hong Kong mahjong craftsmanship and story via illustrations. It allows you to experience the traditional hand-carved tiles, newly illustrated and engraved patterns while enjoying the fun of drilling a tile! Make your own gift set to celebrate different […]

Travel Mahjong City

We are very pleased to announce that the new ‘Travel Mahjong City’ project has achieved the Judge Award of Hong Kong Smart Design Awards 2018! “Travel Mahjong City” has preserved traditional Hong Kong hand-carved mahjong tile skill while presenting a new generation of talents as a unique Hong Kong gift. Products are now available in […]