Creative Mahjong Tiles Colouring Workshop 時尚麻雀上色工作坊

【Creative Mahjong Tiles Colouring Workshop】 This newly designed mahjong coloring workshop is an art journey to learn Hong Kong mahjong craftsmanship and story via illustrations. It allows you to experience the traditional hand-carved tiles, newly illustrated and engraved patterns while enjoying the fun of drilling a tile! Make your own gift set to celebrate different […]

A Picture Book About Coronavirus Prevention

Tell your child what’s happening in spring 2020. An online English version about #coronavirus prevention picture book is now ready for kids. With storytelling and illustration, we wish to convey meaningful messages to the families and encourage parents and kids to take health precautions against virus in such a difficult time. This picture book let […]

Travelling with Mahjong Art Exhibition organized by Youth Square

與「雀」同遊 – 麻雀雕刻藝術展 昔日香港,打麻雀是普羅大眾的玩意,但大家有否想過這歷史悠久的傳統玩意背後蘊含的文化及工藝歷史呢? 是次展覽將由一隻小麻雀帶領大家進行一次穿越地域、時間的探索之旅。由1963年位於香港九龍城傳統由插畫師祖父建立的手雕麻雀工房開始,遊歷至九龍灣廠房以了解不同年代的工藝、科技變化。踏入2020年,特意來到青年廣場進行展覽,展示在高科技的印刷技術下,現代插畫藝術如何糅合傳統工藝,化身成不受時代約束的文化藝術產品,希望讓更多青年人認識這個傳統工藝,並把這門工藝傳揚下去。 Mahjong is a common tabletop game that was ubiquitous in Hong Kong during the olden days. Have you ever curious about the art history behind this traditional game? Leading by a little sparrow, the exhibition will bring visitors travel through times and spaces. By bringing visitors back to 1963, a […]

Love and Care Charity Campaign

This is the 5th charity campaign and five consecutive year I’ve committed myself to charity along with my drawing passion. The charity Champaign has come to an end. Thank you very much for all donors’ generosity. All funds raised from the campaign without deduction of cost were already donated to Hong Kong Red Cross to […]

Sketch of The Pawn

Housed in one of Hong Kong’s most iconic landmarks and considered a historical site dating back to 1888, The Pawn brings you an exciting restaurant and bar concept with al fresco dining in a unique space across two floors, the Botanicals Bar on the 1st Floor and The Kitchen. Rustic & traditional cooking on the […]