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The Art of Mahjong Craft

Spirit Stays alive Despite Closure of Business 延續生命 精彩人生

Although the whole mahjong manufacturing industry totally disappeared in Hong Kong, the spirit of the traditional mahjong tile craftsmanship stays alive. After another ten years of working hard to support family, master Cheung finally retired in 2018 and is now fully engaged with artistic and creative mahjong craftmanship development inspired by his daughter with a mission to preserve Hong Kong culture and story.



I-Cable CloseToCulture TV Interview (click here to watch the program)

Complete set of traditional handcarved mahjong tiles American version – Mahjong is not only popular in Asia but also overseas especially among United States lady. This American version contains interesting patterns JOKERS and DRAGONS, handcarved by master Ricky Cheung. The special feminine color delivers a totally new and fresh look to traditional tiles

全副手雕麻雀 (清新優雅版): 麻雀不謹是亞洲人的傳統玩意。在海外同樣深受外籍人仕歡迎,他們對麻雀的熱衷程度比起亞洲有過之而無不及,對創造的要求更高。全新的手雕麻雀海外版,採用上乘顏料,塗上女士們喜愛的顏色。淡淡清新的風格,感覺時尚煥然一新。152隻海外美國遊戲版更含特別的JOKER 及龍的圖案,手雕麻雀難度更高。

New Fresh Colors 清新顏色版

Laser-engraved tiles in amazing drawing patterns – The first tile is illustrated by Karen Aruba, using laser-engraved machine to create new patterns and blessing words, while the circle tiles are handcarved by Master Cheung with numbers at corner. They are then combined to become a personalized gift with a special date or year. Have fun with mahjong numbering!

雷射雕刻配以手雕麻雀數字: 第一隻麻雀插圖由Karen Aruba繪畫,採用現代快速雷射雕刻技術,然後配上張師傅的手雕麻雀數字,由人手塗上顏色而成。最新插圖包括Happy Birthday, Home Sweet Home, Happy Retirement, Mr & Mrs, Baby Wishes 等,配上自選筒子數字後成為特別的祝福語,例如Mrs & Mrs 1314, Happy Birthday 2020,玩味十足,極具創意與心思!

Digital illustration print –  An adoption of digital print technology. Travel Mahjong City has achieved Hong Kong Smart Design Award 2018 – Judge award and other printing awards – a signature of Hong Kong gift featuring city landscapes

「藝遊四方城」- 結合工匠的手雕麻雀工藝及Karen Aruba描繪香港風貌而成,配以康泓數碼圖像(香港)先進的數碼打印技術,創造出一系列以推廣香港旅遊文化禮品,產品榮獲香港智營設計評審團大獎2018及其他印刷獎項,傳承手雕麻雀工藝之餘,同時畫出香港動人故事。

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