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“Voyage with Ambassadors 2” TV Program: Meet the Consul General of Malaysia, Nov 2024

We had the great pleasure of welcoming the Consul General of Malaysia in Hong Kong for an inspiring day of mahjong crafting and coloring! His visit was filled with warmth and kindness, offering us valuable insights into Malaysian culture. Mahjong craftsmanship is a beautiful blend of tradition and creativity, and we explored how to infuse it with Malaysian design elements.

Thank you very much for the invitation and the producer Woody with the team for delivering such a lively interview, truly bringing mahjong culture to life.”
Watch the interview “Voyage with Ambassador” just broadcast this week at English Channel RTHK32🎨🀄
感謝馬來西亞領事 Mr Muzambli Markam 六月嘅到訪。很喜歡《Voyage with Ambassadors》呢個節目,能夠認識唔同嘅國家文化。同時,好多 Graphics Style 將麻雀文化融入生活中好生動!多謝主持 Maisy、Producer Woody 同團隊,一齊整馬來西亞設計版麻雀 Twin Tower 既溫馨又有趣!
【領遊香港 │ 馬來西亞】
#馬來西亞 🇲🇾係旅遊勝地, 非常感謝馬來西亞總領事 Mr Muzambli Markam 到訪,和大家一起度過了一個十分有趣的麻雀製作小相聚。手雕麻雀工藝就像是傳統和創意的碰撞,我們還嘗試把馬來西亞的設計元素融入其中。很喜歡這個節目的演繹方式,將兩地不同文化連接起來,生動有趣又溫馨。
《領遊香港2》English Channel “Voyage with Ambassadors 2”
//作為本土主場,我哋亦有介紹「傳統鬥智遊戲」—— #麻雀 🀄畀領事認識!領事仲識到一位從事手雕麻雀超過50年嘅張師傅,更親手雕刻一隻帶有馬來西亞色彩嘅麻雀做紀念添😃!//