Crafts on Peels Exhibition – Hearts & Hands

We are very honoured to be invited by ‘Crafts on Peel’ to feature our ‘Mahjong Wanderlust – Hong Kong Theme’ during the HK Art Month exhibition, “Hearts and Hands, Crafts of Hong Kong”, showcasing a series of collaborative works created by 18 traditional craftsmen and contemporary artisans from Hong Kong. Mahjong wanderlust is a collaborative […]

Celebrate the Spring Festival by Exploring Innate Aesthetics of Mahjong Art Story #麻雀獻藝

Jointly organised by the Temple Mall and the Art of Mahjong Craft, an exhibition under the theme ‘Celebrate the Spring Festival by Exploring Innate Aesthetics of Mahjong Art’ is held from 30 December 2022 until 5 February 2023 in Temple Mall in the form of a sparrow-guided tour. Visitors will be able to explore the origin of Mahjong and discover the unexpected aesthetic of Mahjong! With Wong Tai Sin District as the starting point, audiences will understand the traditional Mahjong tile making and the culture behind it.

「巧雀奇緣」  麻雀藝術展 – 啟德郵輪碼頭延續篇

「巧雀奇緣」  麻雀藝術展 – 啟德郵輪碼頭延續篇已於今年8月18 – 21日完滿結束! 三位不同範疇的藝術家跨界別合作,以影像、插畫、雕刻麻雀不同媒介,發掘傳統麻雀工藝的奧妙。Karen Aruba插畫藝術家聯同她的父親,香港碩果僅存的手雕麻雀工匠張誠忠師傅以「巧雀奇緣」主題配合插畫傳承香港手雕麻雀文化與工藝。Karen Aruba Art同時邀請攝影師  AndyPoll運用微距鏡頭拍攝,從中探索「非物質文化遺產」手雕麻雀背後少為人知的一面。